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Canberra Key Selection Criteria Writer



Key Selection Criteria Writing Service

Personalised responses that tie your experience to the role

No more avoiding roles with selection criteria.

This time, you can apply.

Are you applying for a role and need to address a set of key selection criteria to be considered for the position?

Is there a role that you would like to apply for in Canberra which requires you to address a set of key selection criteria?

Are you struggling to put the right words together and compile an answer that not only makes sense but also reads well?

As the job market in Canberra becomes tougher to find suitable candidates, more employers are opting for potential candidates to address a set of key selection criteria. A well-written and correctly structured selection criteria letter can immensely help with reaching the interview stage and surpassing other applicants. 

More and more employers are opting for potential candidates to address selection criteria before being even considered for an interview. A well-written and correctly structured selection criteria letter can be the key to getting ahead of other applicants who may decide not to apply for the job because of the effort in writing it out is too difficult for them. Or if they do, they write ambiguous answers that are far too long and make for dull reading. 


Key selection criteria are mainly used in the public sector by government agencies at all levels including local, state and federal government. Candidates who write good responses are usually the first ones to be considered.

For example, many jobs advertised by the Australian Government are listed on the Australian Public Service website.

Effective responses are those that are clear, correct, incorporate examples and demonstrate that the candidate meets the set criteria, both in skill and experience.

When addressing each key selection criterion, we utilise any response examples provided by you.


Before we commence work, someone from our team will email you any working examples needed to address the key selection criteria.


If you get stuck trying to think of some good examples, we can give you some guidance on what you may like to include or think of a past situation.

Here is a sample response to give you an idea of our work.

A demonstrated ability to negotiate persuasively and to successfully listen, understand and adapt to a range of audiences is required for this role, as well as appropriate qualifications.


I have been fortunate enough to have worked with diverse groups of people in my past and present employment and have the ability to communicate effectively with people on all levels to produce excellent working relationships. This has equipped me with the high level interpersonal, verbal, and written communication skills, proficiency in mediation and conflict resolution, which I have consistently demonstrated in a wide range of contexts and with diverse groups of people. I have established a reputation as a highly skilled presenter, having conducted training and seminars at the state, national, and district levels.


I have maintained a high ability to represent the Business Entity in negotiations with customers, suppliers, government departments and other key contacts. I was also the Coordinator of Programs at Shorten Institute, which required me to further develop a cultural focus through continuous partnership building with internal stakeholders and the various communities. Achieving this required me to further build upon extensive relationships with the community and private interested parties, Executive Directors, Learning Portfolio Managers, and Managing Directors. This enabled me to demonstrate my knowledge and understanding across the Institution on protocols and customs.


I am currently completing a Bachelor of Commerce degree, in Management and Human Resources at University Institute. This course is helping me to develop the transferable skills and knowledge in verbal and interpersonal communication, critical thinking and problem-solving, negotiation and time management. In addition to this, I have been actively involved in assisting and enhancing work opportunities for young people, and so I have been able to use my degree to the full extensively throughout my career today.

Our clients are impressed.

And you will be too.

"Awesome. Great job! Thank you so so much :-) I really want this job so feeling a lot more confident- now you have done such an awesome job"

Tania F, Senior Anaesthetic Technician

"Wow wow wow. You captured my essence so well. You are truly talented and money worth spent. I am going to keep you in my contact for future work."


Kay G, Youth Leader and Advocate

""Thank you so so much!!!! You have captured my experience perfectly. Can't believe I ever hesitated in using your service.  I will be referring all my friends and colleagues to your business."


Jenny, Coordinator

"These documents are a great start. I truly admire your skills as a wordsmith"


Kyle, Business Executive



With a minor tweak, use the responses again.

And again.


When an employer or recruiter reads through your selection criteria responses, they want to know that you have the skills and experience to do the job. Which is why we take into account the responsibilities of the role and tie it back to your experience.


To ensure the accuracy and relevance of your responses, we will email you any working examples needed to assist us. 

We personalise and write from scratch every response to key selection criteria based on your experience and background. 


When addressing each criterion, we aim to include at least 1 – 2 examples that demonstrate how you meet the requirements. 

We ensure the right keywords are in place, and we demonstrate your suitability by drawing from your experience and even with transferable skills applied. We usually work to around a 300 to 350-word limit.


We also aim to follow the 'SAO' approach when incorporating an example. We do this by addressing the "Situation"; "Action" and "Approach". 



You can always reuse the letter addressing the selection criteria that we write for you again. But make sure you tweak the answers to suit. Most jobs in Canberra which ask for selection criteria are usually in the public sector, including education and healthcare.

A simple process.

From start

to finish.

Initial consultation

We make initial contact with you.


We then ask if you can send us your existing resume and any supporting documentation, along with details of the role that you wish to apply for and the selection criteria you want us to address. We will email you any working examples needed to assist us.



Full payment will need to be made upfront.


We usually ask for around 1-2 working days to have the key selection criteria completed and ready for your review.


Delivery and Revision

We will send the selection criteria to you for your review and to see if you would like any changes or additions made. Please note that there will be an additional charge if you change your mind on the examples used.


Own it Canberra.

Hey Canberra, start taking charge of your job applications!

Apply for that job in Canberra with confidence. Add a new CV, or perhaps a tailored cover letter to increase your chances of success. Whatever you need to help you secure your employment goals, we're here to help.

Take control of every job application. Use your responses over and over again as many times as you need to, adapting each response accordingly and highlighting all your transferrable skills.


Convenient packages. Straight-forward pricing.

Find out more about our fees and the range of packages we provide.

If there is something specific you would like, please let one of our friendly team members know.

Using a Computer

Some frequently asked questions.

What information do you need?

We will first ask for the following documentation:

  • Copy of your latest resume

  • Details of the position you are applying for

  • Copy of your current job description (if available)

Once received we will then send you a list of questions to obtain working examples to assist us when addressing the key selection criteria.

How long are the responses?

We usually aim to write 300 words per criteria.

However, this all depends on the criteria itself and what the employer has asked for when submitting your application. Every employer weighs selection criteria responses differently.

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