Article by Matthew Coppola

Peer pressure can happen at work. If you have to deal with it, then there are strategies you can use to manage it better.
What is peer pressure at work?
By definition, peer pressure at work is when one feels compelled to follow group norms or have their behaviour and actions be influenced so as to fit in and be agreeable with either one particular person or a group of people at work.
Unfortunately, peer-pressure doesn’t stop at school. It follows us into the workplace. It may be that a co-worker wants you to go out for drinks after work but you don’t really want to, it may be continuous junk mails circulating around the office that try and capture your attention or could be from a co-worker asking you to cover their shift for them. These are just a few examples of peer-pressure occurring in the workplace.
The majority of individuals work in teams, although some may work autonomously. However, for those who collaborate with colleagues, the likelihood of experiencing peer pressure in the work environment is considerable.
Can I be affected by peer pressure at work?
Peer pressure can have a big impact on people at work. It affects behaviour, productivity, job satisfaction, and workplace atmosphere. Here are some key points on how peer pressure affects individuals at work:
1. Conforming to the Group: Employees often feel pressure to fit in with their colleagues. This can include following work habits and dress codes or joining social activities outside of work.
2. Performance and Productivity: Peer pressure can make individuals work harder to gain acceptance and recognition. However, if the pressure is too great, it can also lead to stress and burnout.
3. Ethical Behaviour: Peer pressure can affect how employees behave. They might feel pressured to do unethical things if they see their colleagues doing the same without consequences.
4. Workplace Culture: Peer pressure helps shape the culture at work. Positive peer pressure can create a supportive and friendly environment, while negative peer pressure can lead to a toxic culture of competition and exclusion.
5. Innovation and Risk-Taking: Peer pressure can either stifle creativity and risk-taking, or encourage innovation, depending on the workplace culture.
6. Job Satisfaction and Engagement: Feeling accepted by peers can improve job satisfaction and engagement. However, feeling pressured to fit in can lead to dissatisfaction and disengagement.
7. Stress and Mental Health: Peer pressure can lead to stress, anxiety, and other mental health issues. Constantly trying to meet peers' expectations can create a high-stress environment.
However, organisations have the power to manage and mitigate the negative effects of peer pressure. By fostering an inclusive and supportive culture, setting clear ethical guidelines, and promoting open communication, we can create a workplace that thrives on collaboration and respect. Training programs on teamwork, diversity, and stress management can further empower individuals to navigate and overcome the challenges of peer pressure.
Is peer pressure at work a bad thing?
Peer pressure in itself isn't a bad thing. Sometimes, peer pressure can actually help make us become better people. If our peers are wise, positive and strong, their influence may assist with our professional development and growth as a person.
It is only natural to want to be popular and accepted by your peers at work. Influence from your peers should not be viewed necessarily a problem. Take the illustration of a butcher sharpening a knife. The butcher turns a blunt knife into a sharp knife ready to cut. If your work peers have mature, professional and respectful attitudes in the workplace, they can actually help sharpen your knowledge, skills and abilities in the workplace.

Peer pressure is bad when the influence from peers is based on their own selfish views and wants.
Peer pressure is also a bad thing when the pressure itself is actually going to cause in some way or another harm to ourselves and others. If you feel at any point that unless you give in to their pressure and influence, you will be cast out by your peers and treated differently. That's wrong and where peer pressure is really a bad thing.
Giving in to peer pressure is basically you saying that you cannot make decisions for yourself and if people in the workplace make you feel bad for using your mental reasoning and rights, then that's wrong and unfair. Every person has the right to make their own judgement. Peers may help guide us as to what decisions we make, but at the end of the day, it's really up to us.
How you can manage peer pressure at work
You can manage peer pressure at work by being upfront with your peers as to how you feel about the pressure they are placing on you and to not be afraid to stand up and say no. Be determined to let other people know at work that you are capable of making your own decisions. Also, ask them that. Am I not capable of making my own decisions?

It's also important to not flare up the flames at work. Once you have made your commitment to not giving in, be respectful and kind.
Show appreciation for their views and acknowledge them, but make it clear that you cannot follow or agree with certain things they believe in.
For example. your peers may pressure you to follow a certain sporting team or come with them to Friday night drinks. Be upfront and frank with them as to what you decide to do. Avoid umming and arring. Make it clear from the start.
It doesn’t matter where you work, be it in an office or on the factory floor, you may be disliked or scorned at because you are using your thinking abilities. Remember, you are the one with the greatest strength than your co-workers who give in to their foolish passions. Take for example the co-workers who ridicule management and their decisions. Are they heading into a successful direction in their career? Of course not! Their attitude won’t just stop them from progressing in the business, but every other workplace they work at. So is that where you want your career to end up at? I doubt it.
What are some examples of peer pressure at work?
Peer pressure will follow you everywhere, regardless of where you work. You can’t avoid this at work because you need to work alongside your colleagues to fulfil your job responsibilities. So what do you do? The first thing is you need to keep your cool. If a colleague or supervisor says anything to you that makes you feel pressured or anxious at work, you need to keep your cool and be upfront with them.

We will look at two scenarios – indirect and direct peer pressure. An example of direct pressure would be if you accidentally arrived 10 minutes late to a meeting and a co-worker says to you “just wake up did you?” this then makes you feel under pressure because you arrived late and you’re not meeting your job commitments.
You should be upfront with anyone that puts pressure on you at work but in a mature and responsible manner. In this example, your reply should be “what are you trying to imply bob?” this will put the co-worker on the spot and have to justify why they are putting pressure on you.
Or in our previous example earlier, if a co-worker were to ask you to cover their shift, your first reply should be “No, I am not going to cover your shift” and if they ask you why you won’t, put them on the spot by replying “why should I have to cover your shift, am I not entitled to making my own decisions about what I do and don’t?” this then allows you to be assertive and let the other person know that you make decisions on your own, and not be guided by someone else.
In conclusion, dealing with peer pressure in the workplace can be challenging, but it is essential for maintaining a healthy work environment and ensuring personal and professional growth.
It is crucial to be aware of the different types of peer pressure that may occur, such as groupthink, conformity, or bullying, and to develop effective strategies to handle them.
These strategies may include setting personal boundaries, building positive relationships with colleagues, seeking support from trusted individuals, and practicing assertiveness and effective communication.
By taking proactive steps to manage peer pressure, individuals can enhance their self-esteem, confidence, and overall well-being, while contributing to a more positive and collaborative work culture.