Do you reside in Los Angeles, CV and are looking to have your resume and cover letter professionally written by the experts?
You’ve come to the right place.
Client Centric provide a comprehensive service where we will write for you a professionally written and tailored CV and cover letter that is designed to market and highlight your skills and experience gained over the course of your work history. They will complement each other in the way they read and present on paper.
Your CV and covering letter is what you put in front of an employer to draw their attention to what you have to offer and bring to their company.
They will both compliment each other in the way they present and deliver in front of the employer.
We will need a copy of your most recent resume as well as details of roles that you would like to apply for and be marketed towards. We usually ask for a turn around time of around 3-4 working days to have the documents back and ready for your review.
Please note that our service is delivered primarily by email contact.
For information on pricing, please click here.
To submit an order, please click here.