ClientCentric, an Australian professional writing agency for job seekers, recently published an interview entitled: “10 Signs You May Have Landed That Job”. In this article,
I will be discussing about these excellent signals and why it’s important for job seekers to be positive after their job interview especially if they are nervous.
Submitting a professionally written and tailored CV and cover letter is only half the battle to landing that job you want. You have to actually make an impression and get to the interview stage.
In the article referred to above, it mentions about the prospect employer contacting your referees listed in your CV. Personally, I think that’s an excellent sign that you’ve done well. The employer would not be going to the trouble of speaking to your job references unless they were pretty impressed by you and want to progress you further to the next stage.
However, in saying that, please bear in mind that you may be contending with another applicant vying for the same position. That’s why it’s vital that job seekers don’t submit a resignation letter from them current job until they’ve received a job offer.
When going for a job interview, it is so easy to worry about the other applicants who are going to be interviewed, thinking about what your competition is, especially when you visual know who they are. But you should not be concerned at all about anyone else interviewed for the same job. Don’t be concerned about the other applicants, instead focus on what makes you valuable for the position and how you can provide a significant contribution.
I think it was an excellent article because sometimes it helps to have some kind of guide as to how well you went during your job interview.