A Capability Statement is a professional document that outlines what a company does, what kind of experience it has and why do business with them.
One of the popular services that our team offers is creating professional and engaging capability statements that use a mix of content and imagery in a well-structured, attractive and readable format.
A capability statement will typically include the following information:
Introduction and company overview
What sets the company apart
Our social responsibility
Our partnerships
Our organisational structure
Profile of the management team
Past and current clientele with testimonials
Awards and accreditations
Past and current projects
Commitment to safety management
Commitment to quality assurance and standardisation
Plant and Equipment
Services provided and their description
Details of licences and insurance
Contact details
Contents list
Governances and risk management practices
Here at Client Centric Executive Employment Solutions, we custom build and design every capability statement according to each client's requirements and design specifications.
Some capability statements will be short, while others will be long. It all depends on what's included in the statement and how much information needs to be covered.

The key to creating a great capability statement is by compiling a document that's easy to read and navigate, legible and understandable, as well as being attractive in it's design.
We like to use a mix of small and large font, colours and image layouts to tell a story. A story that will help persuade a company to do business with that company.
Capability statements can be used when tendering for new business or as company brochures to help market and promote an organisation's products/services and capabilities, as well as show off their work.